Fr. Larry and altar servers

Altar Servers

Here at Blessed Sacrament we are always happy to see our youth willing to participate as altar servers during our liturgies. If you are in Grades 1 – 8 and would like to enter this service or would like more information please contact Parish Office

You can either call the parish office or come to Loretto room after any of the Sunday Masses. Our new servers are given some time to observe and practice before we ask them to participate more actively in the liturgy.

Do Not Hesitate, Come Forward, You Will Not Regret It!

Formerly, only young men, whom the Church sometimes hoped to recruit for the priesthood, and seminarians could serve at the altar, and thus altar boy was the usual term until Canon 230 was changed with the promulgation of the Code of Canon Law in 1983 which provided the option for local ordinaries to permit females to serve at the altar. The term altar server is now widely used and accepted due to this.